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AAP x KidsMates Dr. Martoma

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"Rosemary Martoma" "Joshua Martoma" KidsMates CATCH AAP Pediatrics "Palm Beach"
“This is a first-of-kind pilot study in Palm Beach County.” --- KidsMates co-founder Joshua Martoma

KidsMates President Dr. Martoma Receives Grant from American Academy of Pediatrics to Support Palm Beach Children Facing Adversity

Boca Raton, FL, June 1, 2021 – KidsMates Inc. is pleased to announce that Dr. Rosemary Martoma was awarded 1 of 6 nationwide CATCH planning grants by the American Academy of Pediatrics to develop pediatric screening algorithms uniquely tailored to the needs of South Florida children experiencing systemic adversity. “This is a first-of-kind pilot study in Palm Beach County,” says KidsMates co-founder Joshua Martoma, “and we are fortunate to administer this grant in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics.”

KidsMates Inc., a 501(c)(3) national nonprofit, was started by Joshua, Ava, and David Martoma to help other children like themselves overcome medically-recognized adverse childhood experiences (“ACEs”) with the help of supportive caregivers. The co-founders advocate for positive changes at the intersection of healthcare and education to improve the wellbeing of affected children and communities.

Dr. Martoma is a Clinical Affiliate Assistant Professor at Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University and a board-certified, practicing pediatrician. Dr. Martoma’s research interests focus on health equity in communities impacted by adverse childhood experiences. As Dr. Martoma notes, “in 2012, the AAP recommended that pediatricians actively screen for ten childhood ACEs linked to lifelong poor health and wellbeing. However, as recently as 2021, research suggests that pediatricians have yet to adopt widespread screening. This study seeks to elucidate screening barriers to pediatric care in Palm Beach County.” For more information about Dr. Martoma’s CATCH grant, please email


About KidsMates Inc: KidsMates Inc. is a national non-profit organization committed to helping children overcome adversity and structural inequities. KidsMates’ headquarters are located in Boca Raton, Florida. Learn more about Dr. Martoma's work with KidsMates here.

About the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): The AAP is a professional association of pediatricians focused on the health, safety and wellbeing of infants, children, adolescents and young adults. The Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) program is a flagship initiative of the AAP that supports the collaboration of pediatricians within their com​​​munities to advance the health of all children. Dr. Martoma is a board-certified Fellow of the AAP. Learn more about Dr. Martoma's work with the AAP here.

About the Florida Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics (FCAAP): The FCAAP is dedicated to promoting the health and welfare of Florida's newborns, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults, and to supporting Florida's pediatricians and pediatric specialists as the best qualified providers for their care. Learn more about Dr. Martoma's work with the FCAAP here.

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